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PENTING!!!!!!!!!!   buat  bakal  guru

What Makes a Good Teacher a Good Teacher?

Research* shows that citizens want teachers to possess four basic characteristics:

knowledge of subject area

sound teaching and communication skills

a passion for teaching

a love of children

What Are the Ten Traits of Highly Effective Teachers?

1.                  Deep Knowledge of Subject Matter
Effective teachers have extensive training and skill development in their academic content area. They work hard to keep their skills and knowledge current and sharp.

 2. Instructional Planning
Good teachers do not "wing it." They prepare lessons in advance so class time is not wasted. Good teachers collaborate in planning with other teachers and work to align their classroom lessons with state standards and other benchmarks for student success.

 3. Knowledge of Assessment and Evaluation
Effective teachers have a systematic program to assess their own efforts and to make appropriate changes. Good teachers avoid evaluating students on arbitrary standards. Instead, their evaluation of students flows from primary learning objectives that are clear to learners and their families.

 4. Understanding Students and How They Learn
Effective teachers believe that every child can learn. Different students have different learning styles. One size does not fit all. Effective teachers tailor their instructional style to fit the needs of both individuals and whole classes of students.

 5. Motivating Students to Learn
Effective teachers do not always stand in the front of the room and lecture. They create learning opportunities through hands-on work, small group activities, peer-to-peer coaching, and individually guided instruction. Good teachers make learning fun by making lessons interesting and relevant. Students are encouraged to speak up in class.

 6. Creating Safe, Productive and Well-Managed Classrooms
Effective teachers understand that firm discipline policies contribute to a healthy academic atmosphere by emphasizing the importance of regular attendance, promptness, respect for teachers and other students, and good conduct. Good teachers understand that students respond to consistency, fairness, and structure. They make special efforts to ease the stresses and adjustment difficulties of children with special needs.

 7. Technological Literacy
Effective teachers understand and have training in how to use state-of-the-art technology. They integrate technology into their classroom lessons. Good teachers understand that technology is a tool for increasing student interest, motivation, and achievement.

 8. Understanding and Appreciating Diversity
Effective teachers clearly communicate their expectation that all children can and will achieve to the best of their ability. Good teachers have zero tolerance for discrimination, bigotry, bullying, or harassment. They promote tolerance, curiosity, and respect for other genders, races, and cultures.

 9. Promoting Strong Home-School-Community Relations
Effective teachers make efforts to know their students individually and to build openness and bridges between homes and classrooms. Good teachers create multiple channels for communications with parents and the community members. They try to see the "whole child" and provide extra help, referrals, and assistance for children facing challenges out-of-school.

 10. Commitment to Lifelong Learning and Professional Development
Effective teachers can work and plan collaboratively with other teachers. Good teachers are always growing and learning. They share successes and challenges with other teachers and see themselves not as an "expert" but part of a community of lifelong learners.

Koleksi Dr. ISHAK SIN

Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan Pendidikan

Universiti Utara Malaysia.

8 September 2005


OSNY 2005

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